Ethical Compass and You

J-24 yacht racing, Sydney Harbour, Australia

J-24 yacht racing, Sydney Harbour, Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Is there any corner in the workplace landscape that is not effected by poor ethical behavior?  Notice how the following list of unethical behaviors spans many industries.

Jewelry Store:  Owner shaves a morsel from each newly arrived diamond.  His customer gets the stone’s full price; a certificate of authenticity and a leaner version of the real thing.

Restaurant:  Menu states  “fresh crab sandwich” …diner is served imitation lump meat with good seasoning at a fresh crab price, boosting restaurant’s bottom line.

Software Company:  Sells vapor ware. Buyer beware.

Sales Person (any industry) :  Assures prospective client “yes, we can do that”…management supports the “yes we can” attitude knowing none of the mechanics or procedures are in place to do so.

 Housekeeper:  Never dusts the top of anything over 6’.  Who would know?

Ship Captain:  Error in his judgment runs his cruise ship aground and he jumps off to run away.

Media Company:  Alters a 911 tape and plays misleading statement over and over causing national disharmony.

Government:    Agency workers who manage and control US buildings, mail management, procurement and the oversight of billions of taxpayer dollars  –  used some $800k+ of those taxpayer dollars to party in Las Vegas and make videos to show off their prideful prowess 

Nuclear Energy:  Yikes! Don’t even think about it !

Meat Market:  Shop keeper’s heavy finger on the scale raises the sale amount.  Really?

Clergy:   Yes, even there.

None of us are exempt from being touched by or tempted by poor ethical behavior.  The effect of our needs, wants and emotions can steer us in the wrong direction; even forgetting, at least for the moment, the consequences.  Unethical dilemmas can take us by surprise if we are not 24/7 centered in moral courage with a good ethical compass.

Like a ship’s rudder, the attitude of principle over profit (or pleasure) rights our ethics ship and assists with a quick course correction when needed.

Take heart!  You don’t have to be on a list like the one above.  You are your own ship, in control of your conscience and your choice no matter how strong the power of influence might be.  That is the cool thing about it, you don’t have to set sail on the ‘ship of fools’….you can chart your own direction and stay on a solid ethics course no matter how choppy the waters.

About Kathy Sweeney

Avid Writer; Secure In The Word; Solutions Provider For Improved Workplace Ethics
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